SELAS goes to Voronya

A description of the participation of SELAS Caving Club, Greece, in the CAVEX missions of 2005 (January & July) to the world's deepest cave, recounted by a non-participant writing from the safety of Athens.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Pictures from Greek team at Voronya-Krubera

The images below are posted on the photoalbum of SELAS Caving Club, Greece, with Greek descriptions. I have translated the texts below each image. Clicking on the images will take you to the photoalbum and a larger image.

No borders: Methodios' T-shirt was emblazoned with the logo "no borders"... Looks like he knew something we didn't!

Caucasus limestone in this 'stone' the deepest known cave in the world has been channeled out by the water.

Café Greece ...a visit to the "Greek" village of Krasnaya Palianna in Russia

Part of the international team...

Elias with our friends from Italy, the alpinist speleologists Matteo και Jacomo

The Greek team at Voronya

Elias and Methodios at base camp one day before we returned

General view of base camp and part of the Ortobalagan valley. The helicopter can also be made out in the picture

Outside the tent, we stored our gear for it to dry.

The helicopter...

The base-camp "dining-hall"

The URAL 6Χ6 which took the expedition up to Ortobalagan


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