The blog is now up and running again. Please follow the link to the starting page. The blog will remain down for a while - apologies. It will be back as soon as possible.
A description of the participation of SELAS Caving Club, Greece, in the CAVEX missions of 2005 (January & July) to the world's deepest cave, recounted by a non-participant writing from the safety of Athens.
The blog is now up and running again. Please follow the link to the starting page. The blog will remain down for a while - apologies. It will be back as soon as possible.
Over at:Спортсмены-спелеологи попали в авиакатастрофу в Абхазии there is mention of the accident as more news comes out.
I have noticed a lot of "hits" from .ru and .ua, people who might be concerned about friends, family, acquaintances. There are updates in Russian at the speleolog site: Зазеркалье 2005. From what my rusty 2 years at night classes a long time ago at the Pushkin Institute can tell, it has details about train times for returning from Adler.
News just in (and I haven't finished translating all the previous posts yet):
A text message was received on the morning of Thursday 7 January 2005 that the weather is good and the ascent would probably be made during the day by helicopter.
The following message was posted on the forum website by Kostas on 4 January:
The picture is up on the forum website (check the link above and scroll down, until further notice). I am on a boat coming back to Greece and will be in a position to have everything up and running again before Tuesday. The picture was posted on 2 January on the forum with the following text:
There should be a picture here of the three members of the Hellenic Speleological Athletic Club (SELAS) moments before they set off for the airport to go and join the mission to Voronya - currently the deepest cave in the world.